To All Private Inspectors & Open Home Attendees: Face-masks must be worn, hand sanitiser must be used prior to entry. Please maintain 1.5 meter distance at our inspections. There may be delays when inspecting due to the attendance limits we have when inspecting properties. Please do not attend if you have the following symptoms: Fever, cough, sore scratchy/itchy throat, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell or if you have been to COVID-19 Hot Spot Locations. Thank you.
Large 3 bedroom townhouse, just a short 650M walk to Macquarie Fields Train Station plus within the Macquarie Fields Selective & Community High School Zone.
- Built in wardrobes to all bedrooms
- En-suite to main bedroom
- Split system air conditioning to all bedrooms & lounge room
- Floating timber floors throughout
- Internal laundry
- Single lock up garage with remote access
- Study or second living area upstairs
- Large light filled lounge/dining room
- Modern kitchen with gas cooktop & dishwasher
- Low maintenance yard with artificial grass
Located close to schools, shops & transport, be quick to view this property!
Please register your details (valid mobile number & email address) today and get updated instantly on the next open for inspection, similar properties & other changes. **Please check listing 3 hours before scheduled open for any changes**
Disclaimer: List & Sell Real Estate believes that all information contained herein to be true and correct to the best of our ability and in no way misleading, however all interested parties are advised to carry out their own enquiries and relevant searches.
15/16-20 Myee Road, Macquarie Fields NSW
650M Walk to Macquarie Fields Train Station!
- Living Area
- Air Conditioning
Get In Touch Today!
Please contact our friendly staff at List & Sell Real Estate for free market appraisals, tips, advice, and property management solutions. We are open from Monday to Saturday and can be contacted on 02 4627 8448.